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New generation of industrial non-destructive testing equipment

Today’s industry faces
two major challenges:

Today’s industry faces two major challenges:

Reducing its
environmental impact

production costs

A unique way to achieve this :
quality control

While conventional inspection technologies have proven their efficiency over the last few decades, the latest generation of light, Terahertz radiation, enables us to push back their limits:

Systematic inspection
as opposed to destructive testing

unlike ultrasound

Better resolved
than microwaves

More penetrating
than infrared

than X-rays

Discover how our customers rely on our expertise in Terahertz NDT* to combine ecological and economic performance.

*Non-Destructive Testing

A unique way to achieve this :
quality control

While conventional inspection technologies have proven their efficiency over the last few decades, the latest generation of light, Terahertz radiation, enables us to push back their limits:

Systematic inspection
as opposed to destructive testing

unlike ultrasound

Better resolved
than microwaves

More penetrating
than infrared

than X-rays

Discover how our customers rely on our expertise in Terahertz NDT* to combine ecological and economic performance.

*Non-Destructive Testing

A unique way to achieve this : quality control

While conventional inspection technologies have proven their efficiency over the last few decades, the latest generation of light, Terahertz radiation, enables us to push back their limits:

Systematic inspection
as opposed to destructive testing

unlike ultrasound

Better resolved
than microwaves

More penetrating
than infrared

than X-rays

Discover how our customers rely on our expertise in Terahertz NDT* to combine ecological and economic performance.

*Non-Destructive Testing

Optikan unlocks the potential of T-rays (Terahertz)
with fast, compact, turnkey sensors.

Optikan unlocks the potential of T-rays (Terahertz)
with fast, compact, turnkey sensors.

uSense (sensor)

Scanner sur convoyeur linéaire

uSkan (scanner)

Scanner sur géométrie circulaire

Our systems are compatible with all types of non-conductive materials: plastic, wood, ceramic, foam, etc.

Our systems are compatible with all types of non-conductive materials: plastic, wood, ceramic, foam, etc.

Several applications
are possible :

Detection of internal defects

(delaminations, inclusions, etc.)

Internal analysis of materials

(density control, fibre orientation, etc.)

Material sorting

(differentiating between 2 types of plastic, for example)

Multi-layer thickness measurements

(e.g. paint coatings)

Several applications are possible:

Detection of internal defects
(delaminations, inclusions, etc.)

Internal analysis of materials
(density control, fibre orientation, etc.)

Material sorting
(differentiating between 2 types of plastic, for example)

Multi-layer thickness measurements
(e.g. paint coatings)

Cutting-edge performance and configurations
to suit your needs :

Spatial resolution
from 3mm to 100 µm

Penetration depth
up to 500 mm

Micrometric accuracy
for thickness measurement

Thickness measurement of
up to 4 layers

Reflection or transmission
measurement mode

Cutting-edge performance and configurations to suit your needs

Spatial resolution from
3mm to 100 µm

Penetration depth
up to 500 mm

Micrometric accuracy for thickness measurement

Thickness measurement of
up to 4 layers

Reflection or transmission measurement mode

Cutting-edge performance and configurations to suit your needs

Spatial resolution from
3mm to 100 µm

Penetration depth
up to 500 mm

accuracy for thickness measurement

Thickness measurement
of up to 4 layers

Reflection or transmission
measurement mode

Why choose Optikan?

Why choose Optikan?

A plug & play sensor

connect, switch on, detect

An ecological and
profitable investment

Fewer customer returns, energy
and raw material savings

Fewer customer returns, energy and raw material savings

A competitive advantage

Quality products,
optimised processes

Take a fresh look at your products using our free preliminary feasibility tool :

Is a Terahertz NDT solution feasible for my application?

Would you like to contact us?

Our team will get back to you within 24 hours.

17 Rue du Commandant Charcot, 33290 Blanquefort

The Region, with Nouvelle-Aquitaine Amorçage, run by Aquiti Gestion, is supporting Optikan’s project.

Would you like
to contact us ?

Our team will get back to you within 24 hours.

17 Rue du Commandant Charcot, 33290 Blanquefort

The Region, with Nouvelle-Aquitaine Amorçage, run by Aquiti Gestion, is supporting Optikan’s project.